Make Orwell Fiction Again Shirt

He got the Nobel peace prize lol. Make Orwell Fiction Again shirt. The whole democratic security sector is under congressional investigation for all their criminal acts. That would include the NSA, CIA, IRS, state department and other branch’s of his administration for various illegal activities from operation fast and furious to security clearance and the dissemination of classified information. Oh by the way your little Russia theme hasn’t turned up any evidence…hmmm probably because take just leftist dream so they can find a way to impeach trump. Not working though. If anything it’s turning up more evidence against the Obama administration which will be another win for the Republicans they’d all love to bury that UNamerican piece of shit under Guantanamo Bay. Hillary hates gays she’s publicly said just a few years back that she doesn’t support gay marriage but as soon as she runs this year she takes back her statement.

Make Orwell Fiction Again shirt, hoodie, sweater, v-neck t-shirt and tank top

Make Orwell Fiction Again shirt

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