Malt Whiskey Disney shirt

Why do some people need to pick apart posts that are so positive and try to take all the joy out of them? Malt Whiskey Not Walt Disney shir. oo bad his friggin heirs fucked up the company. Now it’s just liberal cesspool of fuks trying to steal your money with garbage. What’s sad, is how the people running this wonderful company is turning it into a joke. Disney would never have put out the twisted crap their putting out now. This is sort of the same as my life’s story. I’ve gone thru trials and tribulations but I persevered. I’ve had a dream for years and realized dreams are empty. Action is what is needed when you have a dream. I took action on my dream and now I have my 43′ sailboat. Dreams are just dreams… Take action, People you are so blind! His cartoons are filled with satanic symbols! When you are young YOU would not see it and when you get older you would not notice because it is for children! GET it!! What character he has, not only did he not quit, he also had a great character and Mickey Mouse and in the Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. I take my hat off to you Walt Disney. There is a great movie about his life I just saw. Talk about overcoming adversity, Too bad Disney has turned into a liberal anti family movie company. Walt is rolling over in his grave. What kinda bullshit says a kid can deliver 1300 papers a day. I delivered papers for awhile when I was a kid. Used to deliver about 35 a day and that took 45 minutes. Unless he’s super man he never hand delivered no 1300 papers a day. Do the math. Bullshit like that irritates me to no end. Reading through the comments, I have a few things to say.

Malt Whiskey Not Walt Disney shirt, hoodie, sweater, v-neck t-shirt and tank top

Malt Whiskey Not Walt Disney Sweater

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