Malt Whiskey Not Walt Disney shirt

Too bad Disney has turned into a liberal anti family movie company. Walt is rolling over in his grave. Malt Whiskey Not Walt Disney shirt.. What a Great Master Piece, at the end he was a Winner … Great Story he strived hard & never give up.. Mr. Disney your work of Art will live forever, Nothing is wasted for your perseverance & determination to pursue your craft, people today & the next coming generations will remember you forever, My dad surprised us by taking us to Disneyland a couple days after it opened in 1955 for my sister’s birthday. Admission was only $5.00. It was one of the best memories I have. In the late 70’s I worked for Disneyland on a Saturday (temp job). I was treated like gold. I typed about 2 months of security reports, handed out paychecks to all the Disney characters (Mickey Mouse, Pluto, Snow White and others dressed in their costumes). Their accounting office was upstairs in New Orleans Square with the lace curtains. They also gave me a one week pass. I bought a sandwich in their cafeteria for 40 cents. They have their own credit union for employees. Anyway, they were great to work for! I used to teach Disney traditions at Walt Disney World. His story is truly amazing. Walt wanted to name his mouse Mortimer. His wife, Lilly, told him that was a terrible name.

Malt Whiskey Not Walt Disney shirt, hoodie, sweater, v-neck t-shirt and tank top

Malt Whiskey Not Walt Disney Sweater

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