Malt Whiskey Walt Disney Shirt

His hometown was also my hometown, Marceline, MO. Malt Whiskey Not Walt Disney shirt. He came here many times, was always good for the people there. Main Street USA is exactly what the main street in Marceline looks like. There is a beautiful Walt Disney Museum there, housed in the renovated railroad depot. Stop in and visit them sometime! You’ll hear great stories about Walt, the man, the neighbor and the boy who’s dreams started at the “Wishing Tree” on the farm where he lived. Saw the movie about Walt Disney and it was an eye-opener. He overcame a lot of adversity. Such an amazing man. Disney was a wonderful creator and human being. But when Roy sold the company to Michael Eisner, it became only FINANCE! I worked for the Disney Company in Paris for some years and Walt Disney’s spirit was still there, in and around us. It was wonderful! If you look at any successful person, you will find they have many failures in life. They take that experience “of failure” and use it to their advantage for the next attempt. There is no shame in failure. Only disappointment. I knew it was Walt Disney. I wish he was still alive today to correct all the things that have been going on with Disney for the last 30 years. Man, his company needs some serious help. I am the only income source of my family, every day I survive with my life and every morning I watch your inspirational videos,, and I get motivation, the inspiration to fight with my struggle of life, OOMG!If Walt Disney gave up his dream, The world would have never had all the Joy and beloved characters, films of incredible imagination that he strived to produce ! Absolutely Incredible impact on all our lives, especially from the first generation to enjoy his works of imagination !

Malt Whiskey Not Walt Disney shirt, hoodie, sweater, v-neck t-shirt and tank top

Malt Whiskey Not Walt Disney Sweater

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