Official Not always Dick just kidding shirt

So much better than a closet or a bathroom. Not always Dick just kidding go Fuck shirt. Still had to go back to work when they were 8 weeks old (would have been 6 weeks, but I had a C-section), and they were in the NICU for 4 weeks. So I only got 4 weeks at home with them. It was awful.
I also had an oversupply, which wasn’t bad since I had two babies to feed, but I had to pump every 2-3 hours around the clock and got about 8oz each time. One time I slept through the night and pumped 21 ounces in the morning. Ouch! What a relief that was.
I’m European and this is really strange to me. Humiliating 🙁 I understand that women in the USA often really do not have any other choice but must work very soon after the baby was born. To me, it’s just sad. All mothers should have the right to stay on paid maternity leave for at least 2 years. I’m really grateful for having the opportunity to stay home with my kids for 3 years.

Not always Dick just kidding go Fuck shirt, hoodie, sweater, v-neck t-shirt

Not always Dick just kidding go Fuck V-neck

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