Latinas Are The Perfect Mixture Of Princess And Warrior shirt

It appears that he is a feeder who likes super-sized women. He thinks she is beautiful and intelligent but when you genuinely love someone, you can’t enable their death. I wonder what would make an individual decide their ambition is to be the fattest person on earth? Her Dr should recommend therapy as that is irrational.
Some people get a thrill out of killing someone slowly…it’s a fetish. Sick. It’s assisted suicide. He finds a victim and he plays on her low self-esteem and her inability to take care of herself so she becomes dependent on him and his sick fantasy can play out… Honestly, this the worst goal ever to achieve in life. I’m ashamed that we have this kind of sick people living among our midst. This is just pure laziness and stupidity. I watched a doco once about hugely large obese ginormous big girls and their partners … their men are called feeders basically he encourages her and feeds her … the bigger she gets the happier he is .it’s just as much a mental disorder for the feeder as for the obese girl … The bigger she is the more she has to rely on him to the point she is so fat she can’t get out of bed so then needs him for everything so it gives a home a sense of need and probably power as well … the bigger she gets the more in control he is. They aren’t abusive in the sense like a domestic violence relationship but it’s still abused in my books…

Latinas Are The Perfect Mixture Of Princess And Warrior shirt, hoodie, sweater, v-neck and tank.

Latinas Are The Perfect Mixture Of Princess And Warrior shirt

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