Official BAND interrupting your conversation shirt

This is such bull and disrespectful. I’m sorry, Is the BAND interrupting your conversation shirt. That’s what you call control beating things your way because you decide your ways best. The fact is you don’t know how to be a partner unless you’re dictating. This is what drive men away. Dictating? I thought this was about how women always have lots on their mind so a lot to say and men just need that blank out time. I didn’t see it as women trying to be the boss. I hear you, but even your choice of words “blank out time” is quite disrespectful even though you might not have meant it that way. whenever did a guy say he needed blank out time. This is a label women put in it because it’s not something that they can relate to, so instead of accepting that as Men and Women were are different and those differences manifest themselves instead of accepting we are then labeled as having a blank time. Meaning brain dead because what you are really saying is if the brain is not being active then your dead. We are then seen in a more inferior light to Women.
Until we come to really accept our differences there will always be that disparity between me and women


I’m sorry, Is the BAND interrupting your conversation shirt, hoodie, sweater, v-neck t-shirt and tank top

I'm sorry, Is the BAND interrupting your conversation Sweater

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