Baseball-What the fucculent vintage shirt

 The shameful behaviour is one thing. The enormous cost is another. But the real kinda frightening thing is we’ve not developed any protocols to handle a real virulent epidemic - or biological warfare attack - when one does come along. Our whole strategy is: label the population as morons, imprison them, muzzle them. Wait for a vaccine.   That’s it. That’s how far we’ve got. I am no great admirer of the Swedes. They have an anti-white and anti-Christian immigration policy which will eventually destroy Sweden. (Such a self-hating people deserve to go the way of the dinosaur.) That being said, the anti-quarantine and anti-lockdown policies that Sweden enacted in response to Covid were pure genius. Sweden will benefit for decades from its herd immunity response. On the other hand, we Americans will never recover from the enforced lockdowns which killed the economy.   And yes, the trillions in fiat/fake money printed to relieve financial duress will result in devastating inflation.

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