I would suggest that a cat not covering things up is not the worst problem you could have with a cat.

 I would suggest that a cat not covering things up is not the worst problem you could have with a cat. It’s much more troublesome when they won’t use the litter box. If your cat has always been like this, it is likely that it is not due to a medical issue. If it is a new issue, you might want to have them checked out by a vet to make sure that they don’t have a UTI or something else causing pain when s/he uses the bathroom. However, while it is not likely a medical issue, you might want to have the vet check to make sure that your cat isn’t experiencing pain in their paws if they have always failed to cover things up. This is especially important if your cat has been declawed. Declawing can lead to chronic pain in their paws (and arthritis in other areas because they have to walk differently). Also, even though they’ve been declawed, claws can sometimes grow back but remain under the skin. You can’t see the claws, but they make it painful for cats to walk. If all checks out medically, you could try a different litter box (much larger), change the litter, or change the amount of litter in the box.


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