Personalxmas-Pizza you’re a shit shirt

 I don’t really know how strong or thick-skinned DeSantis is likely to be, but after watching the last 4 years… I’d call it a safe bet that he’s stronger than Trump. Trump just isn’t as tough as he pretends to be. It was a daily nightmare. You woke up every day needing to find out what dangerous crazy thing he’s done now. Pissing off our friends. Completely disrupting international efforts. Wigged out criminal actions. Not the first “conservative” to do that. But I think he finished the Reagan revolution in a way that Reagan would want his head for. He’s not the first to try to overthrow the US government. There was a serious attempt during the Roosevelt administration. The retired General they recruited to carry it out ratted them out after sucking them in. Now we have Trump. Predictable Trump.

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