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 About AI, for the wise ones who will jump on this. Those things computational, even though they might represent themselves as universal through trickery like using ‘cloud’ (muddy mess), themselves, come via things local. That they are removed, various ways, does not change the fact. Too, their local effects are killing us. BTW, don’t send the white-jackets with their straight-jackets.   This deals with rationality gone awry (yes, mine as well as all of the other folks on the planet). Progress (silly valley’s type) is not really such. And, mathematical folk, Weierstrass is trying to correct some errors with respect to the interpretation of his ideas. Too, Brouwer’s thoughts, and related, need to be re-addressed. Who knows! What ever crazy wacko has in his head & can vomit all over the internet! Pregnant men having babies, a new gender discovered. Just name it. Well fed humans are sad, ppathetic, & twisted! With freedoms they abuse, a culture they do not appreciate, & an inner core filled with garbage where morals, grace, honor, responsibility &a spiritual soul once lived! (I now understand WHY the “End Times" MUST HAPPEN)   And hopefully, SOON! Just sayin The gold standard is extinction of the virus.


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