Podxmas-Rambo sylvester stallone signature shirt

I saw the panic in his face. Heard it in his voice. I was still standing by the door. It was the only way in and out of his office. “Dude, I’m not holding you here. If you want to leave, then leave,” I said, stepping aside. I knew Mike wasn’t going to walk past me, so I moved farther away. Mike flew out of the office, heading straight to the front desk. He instructed the receptionist to call the police and then went outside to wait for them. My car was just outside near the front entrance. I seriously considered retrieving my gun; I kept a .38 in my glove compartment and it was going to take the cops a while to arrive. Instead I ended up telling Mike about himself and cursing him from A to Z. Then I just stopped and walked away. I had a real job to go to, so I got in my car and left. This raggedy motherfucker had the nerve to call me. I answered the phone. “I don’t have time for your bullshit, Mike. What do you want?” 


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