Teerocknroll-The office NBA Jam shirt

 Ask me again in 50 years. Well the people would have to take charge of the government as, supposedly, they do in a democracy, wouldn’t they? And then the people would have to see the evidence from the past year and a half from all around the world shows that the virus is not the bogeyman it has been made out to be and can well be handled with normal medical procedures.   Then the people would have to become aware of what procedures they themselves can take to enhance their immunity and fight off this infection if it gets them: ivermection, vitamin D, zinc, exercise, sunlight, health and happiness and avoidance of masks prejudicing respiration, for instance. Then it would help immensely if the people would make themselves aware of the enormous costs of these interventions supposedly ‘saving’ people from harm and how many of them are long lasting and how many times they actually lead to death and how pervasive they are and how they even effect people many miles away in the third world.   


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