We didn’t have a lot of money to make Molly anything extravagant

 We didn’t have a lot of money to make Molly anything extravagant. We simply purchased a covered litter box and put it on the porch. Inside, we put an old pillow and/or part of an old quilt that we folded up to make a soft bed for her. She started using it right away. Where we live, winters (especially at that time) were long and cold. During the winter, we’d turn the box so that she could still get inside (obviously), but that the wind was likely to get inside. We also would wrap the cover the top, sides, and back of the litter box with a tarp. It helped to keep the box a bit warmer than usual. The box/bed wasn’t perfect, but it worked. Molly was very grateful and spent many winters in that bed. And, even though she could never bring herself to let us pet her, she did let us know that she loved us. So, in short, yes, you should provide a feral cat with shelter in the winter. It gets cold and they need a place to warm up, at least, to some degree. They have a hard life living on their own with no one to care for them or a place to call home. They’d be most grateful for a shelter.


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