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Absolutely. Biden should then go on national TV, streaming services and resign. But Uncle Joe ain't going to do any of that. Why? In Bozo Joe's dementia addled brain, he did nothing wrong. Biden doesn't believe he's ever wrong. Joe's insane, you see. Has been long before dementia kicked in. You may not know this about Biden, but he's had 2 brain operations to remove aneurysms. I think that the surgeon's accidentally removed to much brain. And Joe didn't have a lot to spare. As an aside, why doesn't Biden ever give a prime time speech. Isn't that odd? Shouldn't a President give important speeches in prime time? Girl I didnt choose the cabrona life the cabrona life chose me classic poster Genie drunk vylil jsem se shirt Everything woke turns to shirt Diabetic diawarrior diastrong diabadass diabuddy diabolical shirt Daschund Jesus and thats how I saved the world shirt I love it when people think they are going to punish me by not talking to me shirt I hate everyone stupid cunts shirt I dont need a costume im a crazy dog mom my job title is scary enough shirt I dont look sick you dont look stupid looks can be deceiving fibromyalgia awareness shirt I dont always scream at my TV but when I do its Steelers season shirt

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